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Felixstowe Parkrun
Felixstowe is my of my local Parkruns and although I’ve now completed 102 Parkruns I’ve never been to Felixstowe. So on a beautiful mid and sunny spring Saturday morning I decided today is the day to change that. I went … Continued

Spring has arrived
It’s early March and the sun is out! Yes, it looks like spring has arrived with longer days and better weather. The long cold dull winter has definitely made it hard to have the motivation to get outdoors. It’s amazing … Continued

The Running Channel Club
When I started running I would, and still do to be honest, watch a lot of videos on YouTube about running, to give me tips and motivation to get out there and go for a run. As a runner it’s … Continued

Kesgrave Parkrun – Sat 22nd Feb 2025
This weeks Parkrun was at Kesgrave as Ipswich is still cancelled. It was a mild morning with the sun trying its hardest to break through the clouds. Heavy rain the before meant parts of the course were muddy with many … Continued

Malham Cove Hike
For over 30 years now I along with a group of Friends and Scout leaders have taken a week each February to get away and go for hikes. Exploring many parts of England, Wales and Scotland over the years. We’ve … Continued