Felixstowe Parkrun

posted in: Running | 0

Felixstowe is my of my local Parkruns and although I’ve now completed 102 Parkruns I’ve never been to Felixstowe. So on a beautiful mid and sunny spring Saturday morning I decided today is the day to change that. I went to Felixstowe Parkrun.

It’s a one lap out and back along the prom at Felixstowe, pretty much flat and on tarmac, Felixstowe is a quick course, So I was hoping for a time of around 30 minutes. I had a slow start as the 500 runners made for a slow start, along with being to far back made it hard to overtake early on. So I was well happy with 29min 56sec.

Total distance: 5019 m
Average speed: 2.84 m/s
Average cadence:
Average heart rate:
Total time: 00:29:44
Download file: 2025-03-08_FelixstoweParkrun.gpx


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